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1. In What Ways Do Your Media Product Use, Develop/ Challenge Forms & Conventions Of Real Media Products


2. How Does Your Magazine Represent

Particular Social Groups?


3. What Type Of Media Institutions Would Distribute Your Magazine & Why


4. Who Would Be Interested In Your Proudct 


5. How Did You Attract/ Address Your Audience?


6.What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?


7. Looking Back At Your Pre-lim Task (School Magazine Task), What Have You Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product?

Reflecting on the assigned preliminary task, it is noticeable that huge improvements have been made from the start of the coursework project. Through research, preparation and practise I am now able to produce a realistic and professional looking magazine.I have found that the reason for this is the amount of planning/ research and feedback from media staff/ peers and the knowledge I had gained throughout the task.The most important feature about my magazine was ensuring that all followed all the standard conventions in order for me to reach my target audience/ social group.It is evident that before conducting the preliminary task I had no previous Photoshop experience. As this was the most important software that was needed in order to I to continue working with the project I had found that research and practise was crucial.Previously I had only a brief understanding/ awareness with the tools that were available on Photoshop, or the conventions of alternative/ indie magazines. I had taken into little consideration of existing magazines to base my own creation on, as well as ignoring conventions that would help attract my chosen target audience.My school magazine has little consideration in regards to the text font and size, because I was unfamiliar with the software I found I was restricted to what I could access. I created a brief house style that worked in contrast with the school logo; although this would attract a small audience I find that it would still lack the elements that would be needed to make sure that my magazine looked realistic and professional. However, once I had found an existing magazine to base my actual cover around I had found that planning that page became much easier. Ensuring that I constantly related to my chosen audience as well as existing magazines I had chosen bold/ sans serif fonts that would connote sophistication and make the overall cover appear professional. I had used a house colour scheme of black, grey and red as I had found that these colours where evident in magazine covers that I had attempted to find similar features in and apply them to my own work.While constructing H Magazine I became familiar with ‘magic wand tool’ and other photoshop features that I would use to ensure that the overall appearance of my magazine would appear as a good standard of work. It is evident that I had no understanding of these tools in my school magazine as it is noticeable that little care has been taken over image and text to make it appear as a real/ existing school magazine.The most important part of my magazine as looking at the graph logical conventions of other existing magazines, this was a primary factor that was used constantly in order for me to attract my target audience/ social group.I found that it was evident that each magazines cover, contents and double page spread featured simple/ minimistlic themes throughout thus applying them to my own work. I found that using this was the best way to attract my audience, furthermore I then applied a conventional font and colour in order for my reader to recognize the similar sort of style and therefore wanting to read the rest. In regards to photography, Finally, photography. When taking pictures in each of my photo-shoots I found that ensuring that the photos suited my needs was easy. The models I had chosen had no previous experience but become naturally relaxed around the camera. I had chosen the clothing myself, as I felt that the style that they were presented in was very important towards my audience/ social group, as I result I felt that there was no need to take an excessive number of photos as I had the relevant ones that I needed for all three/ four of my magazines pages. However, I found that framing shots proved extremely difficult, when taking photos especially when apply them to the pages of my magazine. However I found that this problem was easily resolved as I was able to apply the best pictures on correct pages without distracting the reader.Overall I found that the research and practise was what helped me created a professional and realistic looking magazine, I found that also following conventions allowed me to help attract my target audience in the best way possible. Effectively this was done through Photoshop and without this I would not be able to create a magazine that would be the best of my ability.

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